Okay,when we talk about Raya festive, there are 2 that muslim celebrate; Aidilfitri and Aidiladha. Basically AidilFitri coz we celebrate after we fasting bout 1 month and Aidiladha coz remembering one of our prophet who sacrify himself when Allah ask to do so.
But, i dont want to talk about that. I want to talk about how to handle eating food when there will be a lot of "Open House" invitation or we just want to visit someone else. We will get serve by a lot of food that have many nutrition or CHOlestrol. I just want to share info that i learned or gain through other people,internet, book and my own idea. maybe u already know coz its basic or u never think of it:~
1.Food Sacrifies
- take small plate
- if u can, eat after every 5 hours
- take only special food/ food that u dont have a chance to eat it for a long time.
- if u want to try all, just take a very small pieces or a spoon of the food.
- drink a lot of plain water(better mineral water) before eat
- dont drink soft drink for God sake
- if there are a lot of kuih Raya i rather choose kerepek-kerepek
or kacang-kacang because dont have a lot of sugar & butter.
- eat a lot of fruit/vegie
- or dont eat just visit other people ask their condition, have a conversation etc
2. Cholestrol/Energy Sacrifies
- take ur ass off and go work out/ exercise when u have free time/ every evening/anytime!
- do a lot of activities during the festive- walking to ur destination, do the house chore, washing dishes after eat,
- fasting day after that
so do u have other ideas that would you like to share?
comment below here :)
btw Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha~ hargai pengorbanan hayati kehidupan~ :D

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